These Chicks are definitely non sexrd, 10/ doz., 18/ for 25, ,35/ for 50, Settings (14) 2oz Egra. We have specialised in custom hatching for past 15 year»._ CHICKS, Day Old. Consign eggs to Parramatta Raliway Station. Hatchery, Pennant Hills Road, Parramatta. IB Yellow andīuff Cocks, 8 Buff Hens, from 25/ each. CANARIES, Genuine Rollers, hear them sing, 15/ Meeting, Town Hall, Newtown, Thursday, Sep- tember 9, at 8 p.m. I.M5849._ CANARY and Cage Bird Improvement Socletv. Winners also youni*, rung 1830, real cheap, from 30/ polr. CANARIES, Yorkshires, hlgh-grarln stock, prize. 2405,_ CANARIES, Hartz Mountain Rollers, birds guar-Īnteed pure bred and unrelated. Paddington._ CANARIES, Norwich and Cinnamons, both sexes, CANARIES, 1936, 3 pairs ready to nest, beauti-įul whistlers, 7/6 Hens, 4/. 411 Concord Road, Concord West._ĬOCKATOO, 7 years old, excellent talker, almost Yorkshires, Norwich, Cinnamons, Bor ' dcrs, Pinches. Yorkshire Cocks only, must clear,įrom 10/. ROGERS, 45 Bennion**: Crescent Bellevue Hil. HOICE Orpington Pullets, some laying, 6/ each,ĬANARIES, Yorkshires, rung 1036, from winning " strain: also Stock- Bilds, 20/. Dulwich Hill mcqr tram), SundayĬlANARIES, 5/ each also snv.il! Aviary, the lot Cages, cheap to clear.ĬlANARIES, Norwich, Platnhead3, all colours, texes. 87 Church St, Croydon ClANARIES (14), Aviary. CLANARIES, Yorkshire, Yellow Hen for Sale, Plain 8 Grantham Street, Burwood._ CIHOICE CHICKS. J3323.ĬlANARIES, Norwich Pialnheads, Hens, cheap. Sundays only._ CANARIES, Yorkshires, prices reasonable.
#Estey organ 2478 harmony pn free#
Literature and rearing instructions posted free with pleasure. sex guaranteed pullets at double rates, sexing by Frank Evans and no chicks injured. M2791._ BRITON'S EXCEPTIONAL SUPER CHICKS.Īustralorp day-olds, unscxed, per doz. suit-Īble for Henhouses, etc., 1/ each, or 1/2 each J1496._ BUDGERIGARS, rare Parrots, Hybrids, Paintedįinches, Aviary-bred. Lovebirds, six palrR for 7/6, mixed colours (country add 2/ freight): Cana- ries. Strawberries, Zebras, Nuns, Diamonds, Tricolors. Can send c.o.d rall._ A VIARY FINCHES, Cutthroats. Plumheads, Redpolls, Chaffin- ches, Hammers, Nuns, Whydahs, etc., etc. Lincolns, Many-colours, Stanleys,īourkes, cjuarrions, Cockatoos, Galahs, Rcdrumps, Talking Birds. ,4 T BUSH'S BIRD SHOP, AUBURN.-Parrots, Feb A blars. TYREEL MAMMOTH HATCHERY, Connell'« Point Road, Hurstville_._ While Leghorns, 45/ 100: Australorps, HO/ 100 Rhode Island Reds. _ ~l BARGAIN.-Bigger, Better Chicks, for _ -£~ money. TYREEL MAMMOTH HATCHERY, Connell's Point Rord, Hurstville.

45/ 100: Australorps, SO/ 100: Rhode Island Reds. Iy White Baby Roosters, Id each, 3/6 per 100. I VICULTURIST6-Green Strawbs, Siméis, Sham _ as, Nonpaiicl, Roller.

AVICULTURISTS.-Good selection of Finches. Wan- ted, Finches, Canaries, Ferrets, etc. Redwing Whydahs, Singing Finches, -ty Green Strasvbs, etc. "\ VIARY-BRED Palnteds, Stars, White Zebras, - V. attractive designs in stock or made ?/x order. 'iT'LECTCTC Machine, console cabinet, walnut, sac JJ riflcc. _ LOCKFACE Scales, weigh to 28|b, stamped, £4.Ģ56 Crown Street, city, near Oxford Street. ONE dozen New Rabbit Traps, Banjo Mandolin, '1¡!ULL-SIZE Billiard Table, complete, £30. £4 Barber's Chair,ģ7/6 Wall Showcase, fil. Demountable, perfect order, sac -»- rlflce. 725 Qcorgc St.ĬrA,S COPPER and Lawn Tennis Court Marker. _FOR SALE._ IA D"A"l7u, window Display Stands stop the eye.